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Prepare the cornbread, let cool, crumble coarsely, and place in a large bowl. Set aside. Grease a 2-quart baking dish and set aside.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Finely chop the onion and celery. Chop the fresh sage or crush the dried herb.

Heat the oil or beacon drippings in a medium skillet. Stir in the onion, celery, and sage. Sauté oven medium heat 4 or 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Remove from heat and mix with the cornbread. Stir in the chicken broth or stock, egg, salt, and black pepper. Using a fork, toss the mixture lightly until well blended.

Spoon the dressing into the prepared pan, spreading evenly with a metal spatula.

Place the pan on the middle shelf of the hot oven and bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until the stuffing is golden brown and the liquid is completely absorbed.

Serve with perfect Roasted Turkey.